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Stars Align
Glass and Mother Nature together create this beautiful NFT.

This kiln glass and nature combination explores human intervention.

The beauty of nature explodes.

This flower and glass combination reflects the reality that our natural landscape is broken. Although beauty still exists.

This is a comment on the natural world as it once was. Like a ghost it haunts us.

Here we explore the idea that our damage can be reversed and that nature can repair itself in spite of us.

We find that the beauty of nature is a wonder.

Again the idea that the world we now know is only a Phantom of what it once was.

Power lies in the variety of species.

An array is an ordered series. In this work the Array is growing from a cell formation created in glass.

Leaf Drop
Our glass work enhances the delicate aspects of the flower. Fragile leaves fall in this piece.

Coastal Blue
This serene work combines the subtle undulation of glass with the natural world.

Delicate Warrior
This delicate flower is a fighter. Struggling to survive.

Memory Fade
This work is exploring the loss of memory.

Lost Memory
The theme of memory and loss is explored with this glass and flower composition. Trying to reconstruct the flower with memory.

Ghost Bouquet
Again, like the Phantom this work is symbolic of loss, and the desire to reconstruct what has been lost.

As with the theme of memory this work is a comment on the loss of memory and the moment of recognition.

Perturbation can be defined as mental uneasiness. In this piece nature is manipulated using the glass environment. Nature but an uneasy beauty.
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